American Council of the Blind
ACB advocates for equality of people who are blind and visually impaired, inspires community, and connects you with education, resources, and each other to support your independence.
American Council of the Blind Inc
1703 N Beauregard St, Suite 420 Alexandria, VA 22311
(202) 467-5081
Toll-free: (800) 424-8666
Fax: (703) 465-5085
Email: [email protected]
American Foundation for the Blind
AFB's mission is to create a world of no limits for people who are blind or visually impaired. Part of their efforts are to mobilize leaders, advance understanding, and champion impactful policies and practices using research and data.
American Foundation for the Blind
1401 South Clark Street
Suite 730
Arlington, VA 22202
Bookshare® is an ebook library that makes reading easier. Members can access a huge collection of ebooks and read their way with the most customizable ebooks for people with reading barriers. Bookshare operates in the U.S. under a copyright exemption—the Chafee Amendment—which grants nonprofit organizations the ability to make books available to people with print disabilities without publisher permission.
480 S. California Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Phone: (650) 352-0198
Fax: (650) 475-1066
Guide Dogs of Hawaii
GDH seeks to empower the Blind and Visually Impaired of Hawai'i to conquer barriers by providing guide dog support, technology aids, mobility training, and community access to participate in everyday activities. They also strive to enhance communication, promote equality and create opportunities for Hawaii's Blind and Visually Impaired.
Guide Dogs of Hawaii
Phone (808) 941 - 1088
Hawaii Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Hawaii Division Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) under the Department Of Human Services is a statewide resource for people with disabilities seeking employment. Services provided by the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation are tailored to help persons with disabilities obtain competitive employment that is aligned with their job skills, Interests, and abilities.
Hawaii Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
1010 Richard Street, Suite 217
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Office: (808) 586-9729
Fax: (808) 586-9755
Ho'opono Services
Ho'opono, from "ho'oponopono" meaning to make things right, is a Branch of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of Human Services, State of Hawaii. Ho'opono assists blind and visually Impaired persons regardless of financial status, ethnic or national origin, religion, gender or disability. There is no fee for services, although there may be some incidental costs if you need to purchase adaptive aids and devices. You do not have to be totally blind to use Ho'opono services. Blindness can vary from total blindness with no light perception to being able to read large print at a comfortable distance. If you are having difficulty doing tasks either at work or home because of poor vision, Ho'opono may be able to help you in a number of ways.
Ho'opono Services
1901 Bachelot Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817
Office: (808) 586-5269 (v/t)
Hawaii State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled
The Hawaii State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled lends reading materials in audio, braille, and large print formats to people of all ages who have a visual or physical disability that prevents them from reading standard printed material. Our services are free of charge.
Hawaii State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled
402 Kapahulu Avenue
Honolulu, Hawaii, 96815-3848
Phone: (808) 733-8444
FAX: (808) 733-8449
Email: [email protected]
Hawaii Disability Rights Center
The Hawaii Disability Rights Center is Hawaii's designated Protection And Advocacy (P&A) System for people with disabilities and Hawaii's Designated Client Assistance Program (CAP) for applicants and clients of programs funded under the Federal Rehabilitation Act.
Hawaii Disability Rights Center
1132 Bishop Street, Suite 2102
Honolulu, HI 9681
Phone: (808) 949-2922 or 1-800-882-1057
Fax: (808)949-2928
Email: [email protected]
National Library Services for the Blind and Print-Disabled
National Library Service (NLS) is a free braille and talking book library service for people with temporary or permanent low vision, blindness, or a physical, perceptual, or reading disability that prevents them from using regular print materials.
National Library Service for the Blind and Print-Disabled
Library of Congress
1291 Taylor Street, NW
Washington, DC 20542-4962
Phone: (202) 707-5100
Toll-free: (800) 424-8567
Fax: (202) 707-0712
Email: [email protected]
Perkins School for the Blind
Perkins provides unparalleled educational services to children and young adults with blindness, deaf blindness and multiple disabilities. They also share their expertise and collaborate with global changemakers in the fields of education, business, medicine and policy.
Perkins School for the Blind
175 North Beacon Street
Watertown, MA 02472
Phone: (617) 924-3434
Email: [email protected]